Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Geforce 7400 GS - Stron enough for HiDef?
Sine I still have problems with 720p movies I thought the onboard Graka could be the problem! So I want to buy me a new one but I'm no quite sure if the graka will be powerful enough?!

I don't want to spent to much money, so what do you think of this card?

SimBla Wrote:Sine I still have problems with 720p movies I thought the onboard Graka could be the problem! So I want to buy me a new one but I'm no quite sure if the graka will be powerful enough?!

I don't want to spent to much money, so what do you think of this card?


I bought an ati 2600xt for 120$ it supports all the way up to 1080i without any problems. I am currently using it in 720p mode (my damn projector wont go any higher). It is running about 90fps, or so debug mode tells me. THe only problem is it precludes using linux as your base OS, but it works great in Windows XP service pack 3

I think you would do better to upgrade your cpu as that's what decodes video in XBMC. In response to you question yes it should be more than good enough but I don't see that you would get any significant performance increase.
marlboroman1 Wrote:I think you would do better to upgrade your cpu as that's what decodes video in XBMC.

CPU: AMD 64 X2 4800+

During HiDef playback the CPU isn't even over 30%. So I thought it must be the onboard Graka...
SimBla Wrote:CPU: AMD 64 X2 4800+

During HiDef playback the CPU isn't even over 30%. So I thought it must be the onboard Graka...

I support what you are saying man, I am using a X2 4600+ and I am seeing similar cpu usage.

OK, but does the GeForce 8400 GS provide enough power? I don't want to buy a knew card, just to see that the card isn't good enough...
yes go for it its not going to do a lot more than a Geforce 7 series yet but with OpenGL/GLSL Great it has potential video acceleration check this thread for details

all so direct x video acceleration could be add to the windows version in time

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Geforce 7400 GS - Stron enough for HiDef?0