Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Help adding an overflow menu item
So I am currently trying to transition from OpenPHT and have settled on using AZ2 for my skin of choice along with PKC. One thing I always hated about OpenPHT was the lack of organization for my libraries (I have 19 libraries in plex for organizing media) and am wanting to add an overflow menu of sorts. When selecting this option it would ideally present the user with a list of libraries that are not present on the main screen. Bonus points if I can have widgets on this screen as well.

Is this something that would be possible? Thought maybe hubs would accomplish that but I cannot figure out what they are supposed to do.
I have sort of accomplished this by using a submenu hub but being that there is no way to add a different widgets per submenu items my idea falls flat.

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Help adding an overflow menu item0