Linux Can't connect to mysql server
actually something else is still broken

can a dev spin up a Ubuntu 22 OS in a VM and throw on

even with a fresh install of that using legacy passsword mode

with SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;

only the "version.ibd" gets created

same thing happens using debian 11

using  5.5.5-10.10.3-MariaDB-1:10.10.3+maria~deb11  worked how ever
LXC from
bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"

so whats causing kodi to not work well with percona-xtradb?

guess I might have to run separate v5 + v8 sql servers after all , but can no longer seem to get 5.7 to reinstall

I highly guess we won't add anything to the official documentation as our official documentation explains either the usage of a standard MySQL or MariaDB instance. 

I'm not saying that XtraDB might not work. But that's nothing we officially support. If you can get it working feel free to write a how-to. Many things might fail in that regard. I would start to monitor the Kodi Debug Log while trying to access the db. Maybe the protocol is slightly different. Can't tell and no, I personally won't install such a DB. 

Why do you even want to use it instead of a MariaDB instance which seems to work for you? In case you are using this XtraDB for different things, I would start to separate databases and would split my movie-information from different, probably more important, things.
ended up switching over to native MariaDB

was just a pain having the same versions for arm and x86 servers but go their in the end

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Can't connect to mysql server0