Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Create Node which goes to a source
I have seen this for a node, eg the default video node:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<node order="100" type="folder">

But what I can't figure out, is how to specify a source.

Eg, I have a source: nfs:// Home Movies/

I just want to create a node that points to that.

All my other nodes use path, or genre, or something, which relies on them being in the library, and of course home movies are not in the library...

I've searched for a couple of hours, and not found anything that explains how to make a folder node just link to, well, a folder...

Thanks, Dave
Kodi Leia on Pi-4 running LibreElec. in production with family, and another one for testing.
The rule is "Path  contains" or "Path is"

This Thread should help
"Somewhat similar" request answered previously here.

Hope that helps,

(2020-03-24, 19:56)LongMan Wrote: "Somewhat similar" request answered previously here.

Hope that helps,

Hi, thanks for the suggestions.  I had read all 15 pages of that thread.... the filter operations only seem to work when the items are in the library.

I just want to point a node at a source location.

I had already set up what you've linked to, and it doesn't work :-(

I would assume that path must be a value in the library, and of course source is a different property, which may well not be stored against every library item, and so is not available for any filters.  However in this case, I don't even need that, I just need it to open the "files" location to a different and specific source.

Hope that clarifies.
Kodi Leia on Pi-4 running LibreElec. in production with family, and another one for testing.
I don't think you can use nodes with sources that haven't been scanned into the library.  What you can do, is to navigate to the directory that you want to add with you home movies in it and add it to 'favourites' via the context menu.  You could go so far as to rename your favourites menu as home movies, or even add another new menu (in the left pane) to open the correct views for your home movies in the right panel.  That does involve editing the skin though, although there are some skins available that are highly customizable without having you to know how the underlying code works.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Sorry about that. Didn't realize that the items were not in the library. You can do what you want. Replace the bold text below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<node order="3" type="folder" visible="True">
       <label>Home Videos</label>
       <path pathversion="1">smb://STORAGE/Media Library/Home Videos/</path>

(2020-03-24, 21:52)LongMan Wrote: Sorry about that. Didn't realize that the items were not in the library. You can do what you want. Replace the bold text below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<node order="3" type="folder" visible="True">
       <label>Home Videos</label>
       <path pathversion="1">smb://STORAGE/Media Library/Home Videos/</path>


Perfect!  Thanks!

Mr Eagle, the reason I didn't do what you suggested, is that I want to have a very simple structure.  When you highlight videos main menu, you get the most common items in the categories at the top, however they don't wrap and I don't like off page elements from left to right, so I created a page for when you select videos, which is like this


There's then further layers, with "other video" having sports / comedy / hobby / music videos etc...

But I just wanted a simple panel layout for the family.

Some are library locations, some are filters, some are add-ons, but in general it's easy to get exactly what you want without knowing how anything works, and the "open a location" was the last missing piece.

Thanks again!
Kodi Leia on Pi-4 running LibreElec. in production with family, and another one for testing.

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Create Node which goes to a source0