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Android Amber extensions

Amber extensions show ratings, poster etc.... only for media in my library or also inside addons?

(2020-03-27, 10:49)wnocella Wrote: Hi 

Amber extensions show ratings, poster etc.... only for media in my library or also inside addons?


@wnocella , the ratings (imdb, tmdb, rotten tomatoes, etc.) are taken from the Kodi db, so they work with media in your library.  However, if any addon that you use fills the standard properties for ratings, they will also be shown.

Look here, for example.  This is from "Now Playing Movies" from  I do not have this movie in my library and it shows the IMDb rating, since the addon fills the standard property for the rating.


I hope this answers your question.



I have another question: how can I apply a default view for all?


1) I open addon and I change view 
2) I open a submenu of addon: view is the first I had at the beginning.
(2020-03-27, 17:27)wnocella Wrote: Thanks.

I have another question: how can I apply a default view for all?


1) I open addon and I change view 
2) I open a submenu of addon: view is the first I had at the beginning.
@wnocella, go to Settings, Amber Settings, Media Views, Set Default View.  That will open a dialog where you can select which view to make default.  Be advised that this will apply to anything that you have not an explicit view for, since Kodi remembers the view you used last for a section.

For example, if, when browsing addons you have selected Tall List (by going to the side menu and choosing that view), then, even if you set Low List as your default view, you will still browse addons in Tall List.  The default view will apply to anything that does not have a view set already.  In the case of the submenu of your addon, if the addon does not set a view, then the default view will apply.



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