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Bug Amber 3.2.65: Missing button slider inside PVR channelgroups management

There's something I can't do with Amber inside settings -> PVR -> channelgroup management. There's a button/slider to hide/unhide a group. Here you can see it with default skin:

With amber, that button is only a button, it hasn't the slider, and pressing the button does nothing:

(2020-05-01, 11:18)peque Wrote: Hi!

There's something I can't do with Amber inside settings -> PVR -> channelgroup management. There's a button/slider to hide/unhide a group. Here you can see it with default skin:

With amber, that button is only a button, it hasn't the slider, and pressing the button does nothing:

@peque , thanks for reporting this.  In the next update, I will change the button type so that it is clear whether the group is hidden or not.  Please remember to press enter (click) on a group before going to the button to hide/unhide it.  Thanks.


Yes! That's the way it works.

I'll keep an eye in that update.
(2020-05-04, 19:40)peque Wrote: Yes! That's the way it works.

I'll keep an eye in that update.
@peque , 3.2.66 is already on GitHub and the Amber repo.


Yes! Fixed. Thanks a lot.
Mmmm... Now recent series/movies shelves are empty (pvr recent channels are ok)... Could it have to do with this update? Or is it me?

I've just rolled back to 3.2.23 and it's working, so its has to do with this update...
(2020-05-05, 23:59)peque Wrote: Mmmm... Now recent series/movies shelves are empty (pvr recent channels are ok)... Could it have to do with this update? Or is it me?

I've just rolled back to 3.2.23 and it's working, so its has to do with this update...
@peque, I fixed that as well in version 3.2.67.  it is already on GitHub and the Amber repo.


Fixed also.

Thanks again.

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Amber 3.2.65: Missing button slider inside PVR channelgroups management0