Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
XBMC crashes when loading directory with thumbnails
Hi all,

When trying to load a directory that has a folder.jpg in it XBMC crashes. Here is the last bit in my log file:
21:37:13 T:2092 M:931131392   DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10024 is locked.
21:37:13 T:2092 M:934981632    INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideo.xml
21:37:13 T:2092 M:937013248   DEBUG: Load MyVideo.xml: 26.05ms (1.68 ms xml load)
21:37:13 T:2092 M:937013248   DEBUG: Alloc resources: 43.37ms (27.14 ms skin load, 0.66 ms preload)
21:37:13 T:2092 M:937013248   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (E:\Music Videos\)
21:37:13 T:2092 M:937013248   DEBUG:   ParentPath = [E:\Music Videos\]
21:37:13 T:2092 M:936996864   DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
21:37:13 T:2112 M:936988672   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:13 T:3628 M:936972288   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:13 T:3756 M:936960000   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:13 T:2840 M:936943616   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:13 T:3068 M:936775680   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:13 T:2112 M:927141888   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:13 T:2112 M:927141888   DEBUG: Thread 2112 terminating
21:37:13 T:3628 M:927154176   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:13 T:3628 M:927154176   DEBUG: Thread 3628 terminating
21:37:13 T:3756 M:927166464   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:13 T:3756 M:927162368   DEBUG: Thread 3756 terminating
21:37:13 T:2840 M:927178752   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:13 T:2840 M:927178752   DEBUG: Thread 2840 terminating
21:37:13 T:3068 M:927191040   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:13 T:3068 M:927191040   DEBUG: Thread 3068 terminating
21:37:18 T:2092 M:928436224   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
21:37:18 T:2092 M:928436224   DEBUG:   ParentPath = []
21:37:18 T:2092 M:928370688   DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
21:37:18 T:3644 M:928362496   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:18 T:3644 M:928358400   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:18 T:3644 M:928358400   DEBUG: Thread 3644 terminating
21:37:19 T:2092 M:928382976   DEBUG: Clearing cached fileitems [E:\TV\]
21:37:19 T:2092 M:928448512   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (E:\TV\)
21:37:19 T:2092 M:928448512   DEBUG:   ParentPath = []
21:37:19 T:2092 M:928382976   DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
21:37:19 T:2564 M:928370688   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:19 T:3800 M:928354304   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:19 T:3132 M:928350208   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:19 T:896 M:928337920   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:19 T:3200 M:928583680   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
21:37:19 T:3200 M:928485376   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:19 T:3200 M:928485376   DEBUG: Thread 3200 terminating
21:37:19 T:2564 M:928501760    INFO: Creating thumb from: E:\TV\Invader Zim\folder.jpg as: C:\Users\Sully\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\UserData\Thumbnails\Video\6\69083d49.tbn
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927375360   DEBUG: Unable to resolve msvcr71.dll ??1exception@@UAE@XZ
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927375360   DEBUG: Unable to resolve msvcr71.dll ??0exception@@QAE@XZ
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927375360   DEBUG: Unable to resolve msvcr71.dll ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927371264   DEBUG: Unable to resolve msvcr71.dll ?terminate@@YAXXZ
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927371264   DEBUG: Unable to resolve msvcr71.dll ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927367168   DEBUG: Dll MSVCP71.dll was not found in path
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927367168   DEBUG: Unable to load referenced dll MSVCP71.dll - Dll: Q:\system\ImageLib.dll
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927367168   DEBUG: Unable to resolve MSVCP71.dll ??0?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@QAE@PBD@Z
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927367168   DEBUG: Unable to resolve MSVCP71.dll ??1?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@QAE@XZ
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927367168   DEBUG: Unable to resolve MSVCP71.dll ??0?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z
21:37:19 T:2564 M:927285248   DEBUG:   msg: Error loading jpeg - no SOI marker found in first 4096 bytes
21:37:19 T:3800 M:927277056    INFO: Creating thumb from: E:\TV\The Office\folder.jpg as: C:\Users\Sully\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\UserData\Thumbnails\Video\3\38afd53b.tbn
21:37:19 T:3800 M:927195136   DEBUG:   msg: Error loading jpeg - no SOI marker found in first 4096 bytes
21:37:19 T:3132 M:926904320   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:19 T:3132 M:926953472   DEBUG: Thread 3132 terminating
21:37:19 T:896 M:926965760   DEBUG: CThread::staticThread, deleting thread graphic context
21:37:19 T:896 M:926965760   DEBUG: Thread 896 terminating
You can see that E:\Music Videos doesn't have a thumbnail and loads fine. E:\TV does however, and it crashes as soon as I click the folder name.
I've confirmed that MSVCP71.dll is present in C:\Windows\system32. I've tried placing it in system as well.
"DEBUG: Dll MSVCP71.dll was not found in path" is pretty specific. Where is XBMC expecting to find it? Is there a path variable I can include system32 in?

Thanks for all of the hard work on all of these builds, and congrats on the Sourceforge award!
Forgot to mention I'm running revision 14125. Please let me know if there is any additional information I should include.

Can't answer to the specific problem yet but MSVCP71.dll isn't needed as we map it internally to our own functions.
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XBMC crashes when loading directory with thumbnails0