2020-06-17, 21:53
Hi all, I've done some mods to the widgets in Silvo. Opening the container to make it a wall in poster and fanart. Doing so forced me to add an animation condition to the widget title for vertical. I'd like to have the title on the home menu. Posters is fine. After posters I then edited the fanart style for a wall to find the title being out of place. This is what I did for the title in includes widgets for the title to be placed right for posters in vertical.
<animation effect="slide" end="600,0" condition="String.IsEqual(Skin.String(MainMenu.Layout),vertical)+ !String.Contains(Container(90010).ListItem.Property(widgetStyle),Extended)">Conditional</animation>
How would I go about adding another for just the fanart style?
<animation effect="slide" end="600,0" condition="String.IsEqual(Skin.String(MainMenu.Layout),vertical)+ !String.Contains(Container(90010).ListItem.Property(widgetStyle),Extended)">Conditional</animation>
How would I go about adding another for just the fanart style?