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I have a couple of different machines with kodi on both windows and RasPi.
I have set up my system exactly the way I want it on one machine with menues, smart playlists and sub menues. I have exported that using "Backup" but I cant get the settings from Amber to go over to other machines when i Restore that backup.

Any idea how to do that?
(2020-07-11, 23:27)Jellax Wrote: I have a couple of different machines with kodi on both windows and RasPi.
I have set up my system exactly the way I want it on one machine with menues, smart playlists and sub menues. I have exported that using "Backup" but I cant get the settings from Amber to go over to other machines when i Restore that backup.

Any idea how to do that?
@Jellax , my apologies for the late reply.

First of all, I understand that you have the same version of Kodi in both machines, that you have the same version of Amber in both machines, and the same version of all of the addons in both machines, including, but not limited to, the same version of script.skinshortcuts (responsible for the menu/submenu/widget configuration) and (responsible for the backup/restore function in the skin)  Is this a fair assumption? Please confirm.  Thanks.

Now, given the above, what exactly happened when you restored from the backup in the other machine? What settings were the same? What did not go over? Please provide some additional detail of the situation so I can evaluate the issue.  Thanks.



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