Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Adjusting video settings is turning on substitles in my mkv files
This is a long-standing issue with Kodi 18.x. A cross-platform issue, I run OSMC and LibreELEC devices. Most of my mkv files have a subtitle track in the container, and for the majority of these, the Default and Forced flags are set to No.

If I initiate playback of one of these mkv's and adjust video settings via the Kodi GUI, the moment I do so, the subtitles come on. As far as I can tell, any video setting adjustment will cause this. My database is on my Synology server, and via phpMyAdmin I can see that the record being added to the "settings" table is incorrectly being updated with SubtitlesOn set to 1.

Here is an in-playback log from one of my LE boxes.

Is this an acknowledged bug that's being worked on?

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Adjusting video settings is turning on substitles in my mkv files0