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iOS [iOS 14 Jailbreak] How-To fix black screen on iOS 14 jailbroken devices
If you have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad with iOS 14.x version and if Kodi only show a black screen you are in the right place!

Kodi 18.9-3 is now available on Cydia and fix this issue.
You don't need to apply the manual steps anymore, you just need to update Kodi on Cydia.

To fix the black screen please try these steps:
  1. Take your jailbroken device
  2. If it's open, remove Kodi from your multitask
  3. Install NewTerm or any other terminal from your package manager (Cydia or other)
  4. Open your terminal
  5. Dump Cydia entitlements : enter this text ldid -e /Applications/ > /tmp/entitlements.xml and press enter
  6. Apply Cydia entitlements on Kodi : enter this text ldid -S/tmp/entitlements.xml /Applications/ and press enter
  7. Wait until the command ends (the last line on your terminal should ends by "$")
  8. Try to open Kodi
You can also apply this fix by SSH.

This issue happens because the version of ldid that we use to fake-sign Kodi is not compatible with iOS 14.
Kodi 19 will be fake-signed with the new version of ldid and this guide will not be necessary anymore.

More information about fake-sign here:

Thank you @Piprider007 for the fix!

Edit 12th November:

On jailbroken iPhone/iPad, if you install Kodi from dpkg or Cydia or any other package manager, folder will be installed in the /Applications path (unlike AppStore or side loaded apps that live in /var/containers/Bundle/Application folder).
Also, if Kodi lives in /Applications it will saved its data folder in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi, this way, your Kodi preferences are not lost if you remove Kodi and install it again.
On jailbroken devices, Kodi can write files in this directory thank to the entitlement (read this if you want details) that we apply on Kodi binary during the fake-signing process operated by ldid.
Without this entitlement, and even if your device is jailbroken, Kodi can only access its data container directory (something like /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/FDFB084F-387E-4E7B-8C3A-CB59798A14D5).
This is "normal" path used by iOS apps as persistent storage location.

Problem is that since (we guess) iOS 13.5, the entitlement that we apply on Kodi for our jailbroken devices didn't work anymore. 
And the worst part is that by using it Kodi only show a black screen.

The solution given above allow you to re-fake sign Kodi binary without this entitlement. This way your Kodi app will work again, but of course Kodi will not be able to access /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi directory anymore.
Instead, Kodi will use the data container directory (/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/FDFB084F-387E-4E7B-8C3A-CB59798A14D5/Library/Preferences).

Of course you can still use Filza, SSH, ... to access Kodi Data directory and perform backup/copy/paste actions.

I opened an issue in order to understand if this issue come from checkra1n, ldid or Apple.

One possible fix is simply to use the Documents container folder like any other app of your phone.
This way you will be able to access Kodi Data folder directly from the native Files app of your phone and also from the "iTunes sharing" feature.
The bad thing is that if you uninstall Kodi, iOS will delete this folder. So you have to backup your Kodi data folder by yourself before removing Kodi.
This solution is still in discussion.

Edit 14th November:

I was finally able to find the problem and fix it (see
I updated the steps on the top of this post in order for you to fix the issue.
I will soon open a pull request so that Kodi 19 will not have this issue -->
I will also try to submit a new version of Kodi 18.9 on Cydia so that the steps above will no be needed anymore --> See "Edit 14th November bis"
Just to be clear, this fix allow you to continue using the /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi path for Kodi Data folder.

Edit 14th November bis:

Kodi 18.9-2 is now available on Cydia through the BigBoss repo.
This version contains the fix for the black screen issue and also use the old good /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/ path for the Kodi data folder ;-)
Just to be clear, there is no official 18.9-1 or 18.9-2 version of Kodi. The 18.9-2 (and 18.9-1) version that you can find on Cydia is exactly the 18.9-0 version that you can find on our official website with the exception that the 18.9-2 version contains the fix for iOS jailbroken users. I only bumped the version number in a way that Cydia will trigger an update notification for all users.

Edit 24th November:

It seems that Kodi 18.9-2 works great on iPhone but not on iPad.
iPad users continue to have the black screen issue with Kodi 18.9-2.
Thanks to @pixelrogue and @Huuduc1kk2 we succeeded to find a fix to this issue!
Since today you can find on Cydia a new version of Kodi (version 18.9-3) that fix this issue for jailbroken iPad users.
As I already said in "14th November bis" edit, there is no official 18.9-3 version of Kodi. 18.9-3 version of Cydia is just the official 18.9-0 Kodi release with the fix for jailbroken users.
Fore more details about this issue see this PR:

Thank you to @kadeschs for bringing this problem to the light.
Complete thread here.
Trying to keep Kodi working on tvOS on free time — Former developer of Catch-up TV & More video add-on (GitHub repoWebsite)

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[iOS 14 Jailbreak] How-To fix black screen on iOS 14 jailbroken devices0