Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved Kodi slow without internet.
I found a few threads here about the Kodi interface and it's performance when your internet goes down. I dealt with this issue today.

Kodi was moving very slow. I tried disabling auto library update. Nothing. Scoured my logs, nothing.

On a one off I switched to using an ip instead of a name from my local dnsmasq for mariadb and mythtv. Low and behold it shot like a boss. It now loads on boot fully ready, all art, and mythtv within 10 seconds of Kodi start. Before it was a bit of a waiting game. Without internet 100x worse.

I'm guessing my dnsmasq isn't configured right. But I did solve the issue. Recommending checking this for yourself if you have the same issue.
Posting my final solution. It was a misconfigured Dnsmasq. As usual the Arch wiki wins the day. Followed @ the DNS server section as I could where it applied to my network. Changed my Kodi sql and mythtv targets to fqdn instead of IP's. Kodi launches perfectly and damn near instantly.
Thread marked solved.

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