Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Live Video URL streaming
If I have a link to watch a video online like a live stream, is there a way to setup a Kodi channel up to stream that link?
Your question is too vague, what type of link?
(2020-11-19, 19:55)FXB78 Wrote: Your question is too vague, what type of link?

I don't know yet lol.  I'm looking to buy tickets to an online streaming concert for a future date.  the instructions say that it needs to be watched on their website.  My thought was, instead of going to their website on a computer, maybe I could somehow stream it on KODI.
If it were on something like YouTube or Twitch, there are addons for those so it would be easy. Whilst it's not impossible to capture a link from a website, a paid event would probably have some measures to make this difficult. Perhaps if you post up the website someone might be able to help.

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