(2020-11-23, 20:12)vonson Wrote: I use additional info in my folder names, but when (re)scraping my folders, this info makes auto-matching.
What do you mean with that? Usually you have run a DB update, Ember adds new movies and try to clean the file oder folder name from all the unnecessarily information to get a clean title for the initial search. There are some filters to clean the file/folder name under
Settings => Movies => General => Path/File Name Filters.
How they work: if one of the filters match a part of the file name, this part and all following characters will be removed. Usually only one filter has to match to get the clean title because normally the name starts with the movie title and all additional information comes after. I think the problem with your naming style is that you start with the year and the "year" filter removes the complete file name. If all characters are removed after the filter, Ember does a fallback to the full file/folder name to get at least any title.
So if all of your movies has exactly that scheme you have to change the filters. You can remove ALL filters and add this two that should only remove the years at the beginning and the additional information at the end:
The order is important because the first search for a "4 digits inside [ ]", the secound one for "anything inside [ ]". If the secound one is executet at the first place, everything will be removed because all is between [ ], e.g. "
[year] Title [additional info]".
As example:
[2020] Avatar [Bluray, HDR, 4K, TeamX]
removes [2020], Result: Avatar [Bluray, HDR, 4K, TeamX]
removes [Bluray, HDR, 4K, TeamX], Result: Avatar
Its simple regex and you can test or try other expressions on