2021-01-26, 07:00
Trying to use the Kanzi skill for Alexa from Lexigram. Just before its ready to deploy, I keep get" Kodi server configuration settings are wrong. Please double-check kodi.config to make sure it is setup properly," on the "update slot values" step.
There is nothing wrong with the configuration settings. I can use the DDNS, port, username and password within the configuration file to access the device I am trying to control with zero issue from browsers outside of my home network.
Is there a secret setting I am missing in config file? Or a step that one can fuck up which produces this error message?
I am not particularly skilled in this area, and new to this forum. Please let me know if there is a more suitable area for it.
There is nothing wrong with the configuration settings. I can use the DDNS, port, username and password within the configuration file to access the device I am trying to control with zero issue from browsers outside of my home network.
Is there a secret setting I am missing in config file? Or a step that one can fuck up which produces this error message?
I am not particularly skilled in this area, and new to this forum. Please let me know if there is a more suitable area for it.