Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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to bart - when i add a bookmark  there is no confirmation /like - its added to your favorites /list/ if an item  is already added .  it means i must always check if an item is already in my list. Does it depend on your skin or kodi? regards alwomir
(2021-01-30, 16:49)slawomir Wrote: to bart - when i add a bookmark  there is no confirmation /like - its added to your favorites /list/ if an item  is already added .  it means i must always check if an item is already in my list. Does it depend on your skin or kodi? regards alwomir

@slawomir, unfortunately, this is handled by Kodi, and not something that I can control from the skin.



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