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Solved Getting Subtitles Info on the Movie "Information" page
I asked about this once before, but it's been an ongoing annoyance with Kodi, so I'd like to re-phrase my question:

I'd like some way to see information about subtitles for a movie, before I start it. I.e., some kind of summary of the available subs.

Any ideas/suggestions about this?

If necessary, I'm willing to write a script that checks each movie subdirectory, runs mediainfo on the movie file, parses that output, looks for SRT and ASS files, etc, and writes a summary into an NFO file or something. But, I'm not sure of a good way to put this in the NFO file, or how I should communicate it to Kodi.

I looked at the NFO file format, and it seems there is a subtitle tag inside the fileinfo tag, but the documentation is kind of sketchy. Would this be displayed on the Information page?

You need a skin that displays this additional information. Estuary is pretty basic so switch to another one.

I checked Aeon Nox Silvo and these are some screenshots. I know other skins provide similar...


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(2021-02-01, 10:59)Karellen Wrote: You need a skin that displays this additional information. Estuary is pretty basic so switch to another one.

Great! I'll try that — thanks!

Whew... there are so many skins to choose from ! I can't easily tell which ones provide details on subtitles, so I guess I just have to try some.

If I switch to another one, will the preferences I set up for Estuary be saved, or is there some way I should make a back-up... or... ?
(2021-02-02, 10:07)mrob Wrote: If I switch to another one, will the preferences I set up for Estuary be saved
It depends, some settings are for skins only, and don't affect other skins. Other settings are for Kodi core, and apply to all skins. Anything in the Settings pages are Kodi core, so apply to all skins.

Things like views are skin settings only, but view order are Kodi core. It gets a bit complex so not easy to answer.

There is no real backup process for the skin.
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Okay, I'll check a bit before switching over. Thanks!

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Getting Subtitles Info on the Movie "Information" page0