Chorus2, how to add to a playlist?
Sorry if this is obvious to everyone else, but I just got this stuff working, and am messing around with the web interface.

I found the playlist section, and created a empty playlist in chorus.  Now it says "Empty playlist, you should probably add something to it"  ... but for the life of me I can't figure out how to add anything to the playlist!  Drag and doesn't seem to work, there's no "+" button anywhere, or anything.  I'm trying to make video playlists.  Can someone clue me in? thanks Smile

(also weird side note, I created a playlist on Kodi, using the queue option, and then saved it ... that playilst doesn't show up in the Chorus2 playlist list.  Is that expected? )
Same question here. It seems that Kodi expects you to add some content that you already have on your device.

But I'd like to add an URL (e.g. a Youtube link or a m3u8 link etc) - is that possible?
I think it's just broken. You can also save current queue as a new playlist but after that's done, the new playlist is empty. I was never able to create a working playlist over Chorus.

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Chorus2, how to add to a playlist?0