Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Audio glitches when skipping in Matrix
I've recently noticed some glitches primarily when skipping back and forward on both Android (Fire Stick 4K, CCwGTV) and Windows 10 x64 affecting both my AVR HDMI 5.1 output and multiple Bluetooth headphones and receivers. For example, a show that begins right away with "Previously on..." might sound like "Preely on..." or "Briefly on..." when skipping back to the beginning. More rarely, it will sound like this when played de novo. Further on into the file, skipping often produces a very short but audible dropout perhaps a half second after the skip has completed. I've tried the Fixed and Passthrough options, and they don't help. The issue affects FLAC, AAC, DD, DTS, DTSMA, TrueHD, i.e. everything I have. One thing that does seem to help is switching to DirectSound in Windows; WASAPI reliably elicits the issue, but I haven't heard it yet with DirectSound.

Is anyone else seeing (well, hearing) this?

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Audio glitches when skipping in Matrix0