Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Sonos Arc Atmos Passthrough
I picked up the Sonos Arc yesterday evening and I'm going to be setting it up with Kodi later today. Having read quite a few threads I think I get the jist of it but wanted to make sure I'm understanding it correctly.
My setup is as follows: Nvidia Shield TV - LG CX - Sonos Arc via eARC.
So in the audio decoder settings in Kodi I need to allow passthrough, select Sonos for the output device? and tick options for DD, DD+ and TrueHD? My TV isn't capable of DTS passthrough so I'm assuming I keep these options unticked and let the decoder handle these? There's no option for Atmos, does this come under TrueHD?

Also this isn't Kodi related but if anyone knows if this is correct, I've got the TV set to HDMI audio output, eARC enabled and Bitstream checked.
Looks like I was pretty much spot on apart from selecting Sonos as the pass through audio device. There was no option for that so I left it on default.
Played a movie and verified atoms using the sonos app.
I'm planning to get the same setup so if the DST transcoding works then would you say there is no downside getting a sonos surround setup now?

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Sonos Arc Atmos Passthrough0