Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Slow library update, MariaDB 10.3.25, SSD hosted
Hi all,

I'm hosting my current Kodi library on MariaDB 10.3.25, it is running on an SSD with the following optimisations applied:

The library has 788 movies and 144 TV shows. Library updates sometimes can take up to 11 minutes, should it be faster then this?

Checking the debug log, it appears has an entry for every movie and every TV show and lists the following comment against them:


DEBUG <CAddonSettings[]>: trying to load setting definitions from old format...

This is expected behaviour?

(2021-04-27, 12:04)Zoltrix Wrote: Library updates sometimes can take up to 11 minutes, should it be faster then this?

Provide the debug log (wiki) via pastebin, so we can have a start. You could also enable the Database component in the Kodi debugging section. And even perhaps look into the MariaDB own's log file.

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Slow library update, MariaDB 10.3.25, SSD hosted0