Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Android Making kodi really, really simple
So, I am fairly new to Kodi and things seem a little overwhelming.

What I am looking for is a very simple setup. Something like when I open the app, my sources should list on the left side (where Movies, Tv shows, addons, favs, etc are), info wall or poster wall on the right and the ability to remove some folders from Kodi library so that it won't even show up if I rescan the library.

I will be fetching sources from my SMB server and Kodi readable .nfo files are there with it so I don't even need internet scraping from TMDB etc.

I haven't found anything yet, does something like this exist for Kodi or am I asking for too much here?
Most skins will give you a similar view, you could try the Vertical views on AZ: Reloaded But with any skin you will need to adjust it to how you want it to look via Skin Settings. As for removing folders, you could probably use Video Nodes to achieve this, Kodi is very versatile.


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