Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Setting up a Account for kodi
I like to know if I have kodi 19.1 set up on my computer can I log in to kodi 19.1 on my Firestick simler to youtube Facebook. Have once you set up account on my computer can I go to kodi on my Firestick and log on to it. If so how do set it up. So you login to my kodi account on any device. Like phone Firestick goggle/android TV. Ect.
(2021-06-13, 05:05)Greg059 Wrote: So you login to my kodi account on any device

Kodi is not like a social media hub, and does not use shared login services. It's a standalone application.
The only shared part is when you use a centralized database for video and/or music metadata.

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Setting up a Account for kodi0