Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
lost my email of my MPG2 and WVC1 licences can I get it resent somehow?
hey guys I lost the email that had my MPG2 and WVC licences is there a way I can recover that info? I want to watch some live tv and I think I need the licences but lost the email that kodi sent.
(2021-06-23, 01:03)thedigi321 Wrote: hey guys I lost the email that had my MPG2 and WVC licences is there a way I can recover that info? I want to watch some live tv and I think I need the licences but lost the email that kodi sent.
We don't provide any licences, and we don't email users anything.

I guess you are using some 3rd party site. Be aware of our Forum Rules, thanks.
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(2021-06-23, 01:04)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-06-23, 01:03)thedigi321 Wrote: hey guys I lost the email that had my MPG2 and WVC licences is there a way I can recover that info? I want to watch some live tv and I think I need the licences but lost the email that kodi sent.
We don't provide any licences, and we don't email users anything.

I guess you are using some 3rd party site. Be aware of our Forum Rules, thanks.
my apologies, it's been a bit I will continue looking elsewhere sorry about that
(2021-06-23, 01:07)thedigi321 Wrote:
(2021-06-23, 01:04)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-06-23, 01:03)thedigi321 Wrote: hey guys I lost the email that had my MPG2 and WVC licences is there a way I can recover that info? I want to watch some live tv and I think I need the licences but lost the email that kodi sent.
We don't provide any licences, and we don't email users anything.

I guess you are using some 3rd party site. Be aware of our Forum Rules, thanks.
my apologies, it's been a bit I will continue looking elsewhere sorry about that

I think I know where it was from the Raspberry Pi foundation so sorry can I have this thread locked?
@thedigi321 The licenses you mention are sold by Raspberry Pi Trading and not us.
This and all hardware related questions should be asked at

However if you pi was booted with new enough firmware (which is pretty old today) codec keys have been permanently "burned" into OTP.
So you no longer need to specify any licenses in config.txt .

To check use:
vcgencmd codec_enabled MPG2
vcgencmd codec_enabled WVC1

Funny thing that this is not even mentioned in their (NOT so) "excellent" official documentation.

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lost my email of my MPG2 and WVC1 licences can I get it resent somehow?0