Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Custom Collections

Does anybody know of a way to create a custom collection of movies, that I can place only the movie I want into?

What i'd like to do is the following:-

1. Create a place/area/collection where I can add "Bad" movies to
2.  On a bad movie night, I can just select "Bad Movies", and see a list of all of my bad movies
3. watch them with friends.

The closest, I`ve been able to get to this is to add bad movies to my favourites, but the browsing of favourites is different (I like the "Info Wall" view) and it's obviously limited to then only having one "collection"

A few ways of handling this, I'll go through some but there is so many ways of doing this I'd be remiss in saying this is all.

1) Use Tags (wiki), tagging each video might be easier with an add-on.

2) Smart playlists (wiki) if you haven't discovered this feature, you are missing out on one of the best parts of Kodi

3) Video nodes (wiki) dare I mention the video node editor? easy-peasy.

4) Just create individual sources for whatever category, and make the category a favourite. Adding video sources (wiki)

5) Create a new Profiles (wiki) for your buddies that excludes the good stuff.

6) Custom skin, link with your favourites keeps it all on top page. Use ratings to find the worst movies?
(2021-07-13, 19:14)PatK Wrote: A few ways of handling this, I'll go through some but there is so many ways of doing this I'd be remiss in saying this is all.

1) Use Tags (wiki), tagging each video might be easier with an add-on.

2) Smart playlists (wiki) if you haven't discovered this feature, you are missing out on one of the best parts of Kodi

3) Video nodes (wiki) dare I mention the video node editor? easy-peasy.

4) Just create individual sources for whatever category, and make the category a favourite. Adding video sources (wiki)

5) Create a new Profiles (wiki) for your buddies that excludes the good stuff.

6) Custom skin, link with your favourites keeps it all on top page. Use ratings to find the worst movies?

Thanks PatK, I`ll try the Tags route, that seems the closest to what I`d pictured in my head!
(2021-07-13, 18:35)not_me_really Wrote: Does anybody know of a way to create a custom collection of movies, that I can place only the movie I want into?
How about a simple Movie Set/Collection...
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