Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Position subtitle permanently at the vertical center of the screen
I tried video calibration but the maximum I can bring the subtitle upside is limited to around 25% of the height of the screen. I can take it further up using subtitleshiftup and subtitleshiftup action but I have to do that with every video I play again and again.

Is there any way to position subtitle permanently at the vertical center of the screen by editing any xml file or something?

I'm using latest Kodi in both Android and Windows
On Kodi 20 you will able to move the subtitle position bar of video calibration setting in full screen height
you can test it with nightly builds
Dev-Maintainer of InputStream Adaptive add-on, Netflix add-on ▫ Skills Python, C#, VB.NET and a bit of C++

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Position subtitle permanently at the vertical center of the screen0