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Solved Howto for easiest way to show Rotten Tomatoes ratings?
I've tried searching and there are tons of hits, so I feel bad posting but the hits are all over the place and I don't really know where to start.  I see talk about skins, tmdb helpers, universal scrapers, case sensitivity in nfo files, tiny media manager.... even someone saying they followed the instructions, but I haven't been able to hunt down any instructions.  I don't even know which forum I should post the question so hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

All I did so far was use the universal movie scraper with Rotten Tomatoes selected as the source for my ratings.  A also added an OMDB key, although I don't understand why - I just saw it mentioned in some of the search hits.  Refreshed my library, but nothing shows up.

I've tried a few different skins even ones that I've seen RT ratings in screenshots (Arctic Zephyr: Reloaded).

Is there a guide?  I'm not picky about what skin or other things - honestly I'd prefer the simplest way, whatever that is.
I'm using 19.1 on Windows.
(2021-10-02, 01:51)chilly Wrote: Is there a guide?
Unfortunately not. I've been meaning to add a range of new wiki pages that covers Media Flags, but I don't have the time anymore.

If you are using NFO files, add these tags...

<rating name="imdb" max="10" default="true">
<rating name="metacritic" max="10">
<rating name="themoviedb" max="10">
<rating name="tomatometerallaudience" max="10">
<rating name="tomatometerallcritics" max="10">

If you have entered a valid OMDB API in the settings for Universal Movie Scraper, then it should work. Post a Debug Log that captures you scraping a movie, and I might spot what the problem is.

Not all skins display these ratings. Aeon Nox Silvo does, but I am not sure which other skin does.
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Thanks for the response - good to know I wasn't too crazy.

I don't use NFO files actually.... but I just went to generate a clean log for a single movie and what do you know... it just worked?  idk what changed.  My OMDB key was new just for this - maybe there's some delay for it being activated or something?
But now both the default skin and arctic zephyr reloaded are both showing it.  They don't have the special RT icon, and doesn't show the imdb rating alongside like I see in some screen shots, but I don't mind that.  If it showed up it would be cool, but not worth setting up fancy configs to me.  I just really prefer the RT ratings over IMDB so this is all I really need.

Thanks again.
Great. I'll mark this thread solved.

Thread marked solved.
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Howto for easiest way to show Rotten Tomatoes ratings?0