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v19 Kodi accessing filesystem in Movie/TV show Views and MovieInfoDialog

I'don't know, if it's skin related, or d Kodi itself.
Sometimes Kodi will access the filesystem where a specific movie or tv-show is stored, just while browsing movie/tv show database (database view).
I can't figured out, when this is happen, it seems to happen by accidient. But I think it's maybe in some relation with reading mediatags or something out of the files.
I turned every option in the skin settings to off, to prevent this behavier... No luck

Why this is so important:
My media files are stored on a NAS with sleeping hdds, so these hdds will wake up with this behavier.

I tested it just on Windows, but I think, it's OS undependent.

My configuration
Kodi 19.3 with the standard Estuary skin
Only one share on hdd, which is always on
The Database holds another few shares (different hdds, which are mainly asleep)

So my questions, can I somehow prevent this behavier? Can I, if, necessaary, stop Kodi to read mediaflags / media info from files?
This happens only with Kodi19 and above....

Thanks for your support,
seriously nobody?
hate to bumb, sorry....
(2021-11-16, 15:49)WebEye Wrote: Sometimes Kodi will access the filesystem where a specific movie or tv-show is stored, just while browsing movie/tv show database (database view).
Yes, this is the artwork cache check. If it has been more than 24 hours since the images were last accessed for display, Kodi compares the local image next to your movie to the image in the cache. If they are different, the image is re-cached.

There is no toggle to prevent this.
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(2021-11-20, 19:51)Karellen Wrote:
(2021-11-16, 15:49)WebEye Wrote: Sometimes Kodi will access the filesystem where a specific movie or tv-show is stored, just while browsing movie/tv show database (database view).
Yes, this is the artwork cache check. If it has been more than 24 hours since the images were last accessed for display, Kodi compares the local image next to your movie to the image in the cache. If they are different, the image is re-cached.

There is no toggle to prevent this.

Thanks for support!
This is interesting, but are you really sure, this artwork/cache thing is only since Kodi19?
As far as I understand, Kodi is searching for an image next to a movie (with same name) on the filesystem, is this right?
I don't have such local artwork, so Kodi should have no reason to do this. I also search in the database for this artwork data, I only found 

column c08, c20 in the table "movies"
column c06, c11 in then table "tvshow"

But all the content refers to urls and not to local ressources.

PS: While reading your link, I found these settings (should be new for Kodi19):
Till now, I've got luck with disabling "Extract thumbnails from video files" option button!
I've to test it a while...

Thanks again, and any suggestions are very welcome,
Out of curiosity I started procmon utility and then ran Kodi 19.1 vanilla and analyzed the results.  What I found is that kodi did reach out and touch a folder with a BD folder BDMV structure (INDEX.BDM and index.bdmv), and a DVD folder VIDEO_TS structure (VIDEO_TS.IFO).  Just did an open and didn't read anything.  All other items in the source were not looked at at all (mp4 and mkv video).  FWIW.

scott s.
(2021-11-22, 02:34)scott967 Wrote: Out of curiosity I started procmon utility and then ran Kodi 19.1 vanilla and analyzed the results.  What I found is that kodi did reach out and touch a folder with a BD folder BDMV structure (INDEX.BDM and index.bdmv), and a DVD folder VIDEO_TS structure (VIDEO_TS.IFO).  Just did an open and didn't read anything.  All other items in the source were not looked at at all (mp4 and mkv video).  FWIW.

scott s.

Thanks Scott,
ProcMon is a good idea, I realized there is a linux version, too!
The "Extract thumbnails from video files" toggle, is no alternative for me, because in non database views, I've got no preview of the movies anymore....

I will make some testings with ProcMon.

Thanks again,

however browsing video library works now without accessing the filesystem. Probably, I had a few movies without proper artwork and now everythings is fine.
Just one thing, if I go in the tv-show information dialog (DialogVideoInfo.xml), Kodi will search for these files next to the source file:


Do anybody know, how to prevent this, this happens only from TV-Show Information Dialog!


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Kodi accessing filesystem in Movie/TV show Views and MovieInfoDialog0