Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Kodi Docker Jellyfin: Mount HDD first then Docker?

I run CoreELEC on an Odroid N2 and use the Docker Plugin running's Jellyfin and Portainer only. Everything seem to work fine.

However, whenever I restart the whole computer, Docker and Jellyfin seem to be loaded very early on. Later Kodi mounts my external HDD. Jellyfin uses the data on this external USB HDD for the media library. Due to starting Jellyfin first, mounting later, I always have to restart the Image container manually. Otherwise Jellyfin will not find any data as it was not available when Jellyfinn started.

Is it possible to ensure that the external drive is mounted before Docker starts?

Thank you and best regards!

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Kodi Docker Jellyfin: Mount HDD first then Docker?0