Req Movie Scraping (local, offline) one folder for poster, nfo, etc possible?
Hey there guys,
It is a while ago i worked with kodi and co. I couldnt find any information for my question so far.

The way i know it so far is, that when i scrape with emm or tiny i have all the meta informations (poster image, nfo file etc.) in the exact same folder as the movie or tv-show. I want to know if it is possible to scrape my movies the way that i have one specific folder for all the .nfo, and image (poster etc) files - of my movies. I was wondering if it is possible, cause with Collections you can have a seperate Folder somewhere else.

Like for example:
Movies > Back to the Future (1985) 1080p BDrip > Back to the Future.mkv

and in some other folder:
Back to the Future-poster.jpg
Back to the Future.nfo

!Just a quick Example. I know there a plenty other possible Image/etc. Files available!

Thank you Guys. Hope it is understandable what i want to know. If not feel free to ask me about specific details.

You all great here!
(2021-12-28, 23:30)JonNada Wrote: I want to know if it is possible to scrape my movies the way that i have one specific folder for all the .nfo, and image (poster etc) files - of my movies.
Kodi scans the folder that contains the video file looking for artwork, nfo files, trailer, subtitles, audio tracks. It is not possible to direct the scan elsewhere.

Movie sets are different as they are virtual.
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Thank your for the quick reply to my Question. Sad it is not possible. My inner Monk likes the idea of a clean Movie Folder.

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Movie Scraping (local, offline) one folder for poster, nfo, etc possible?0