Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
REST api JSON: how to get a list of properties of a method?
I'm searching the possible properties of "XBMC.GetInfoBooleans" and "Application.GetProperties" and other method. How do I get them?
For the Record.
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "JSONRPC.Introspect", "params": { "filter": { "id": "XBMC.GetInfoBooleans", "type": "method" } }, "id": 1 }

Do not show any properties
JSONRPC.Introspect is the way to do it for most JSON-RPC methods.

XBMC.GetInfoBooleans and XBMC.GetInfoLabels are different and tie into deeper system data, there isn't really a complete list of options. See the wiki page list of boolean conditions to get you started on GetInfoBooleans.
Isn't there a possibility to get a List from Kodi itself? In my opinion Kodi should know what properties exist. How does other API user do get these Information?
I wish use the information with Node-red.
The wiki (JSON-RPC_API (wiki)) and are two good places to start.
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REST api JSON: how to get a list of properties of a method?0