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Kodi 19.4 with MyVideos120 dB?
Hello All,

Apologies if this is in the wrong spot, I wasn't quite sure where it belonged.

I use Kodi on my PC (Win10l combined with MySQL and openelec on NUC boxes to synchronise media throughout the house.

I've recently started an upgrade programme as my old NUCs can't handle 4k video. So I upgraded from Kodi 15.2 to 19.4 Matrix on my computer and purchased a NUC10 I3FNKN, and installed libreelec 10.0.1.

However, the NUC had an issue with Bluetooth (PULSEAUDIO) being the only audio output option which was solved by installing the latest libreelec nightly.

Unfortunately this caused another issue as it upgraded the My Videos database from 119 to 120 on the NUC, so it no longer synchronises with the media on my PC.

Is there a nightly version of Matrix that uses the MyVideos 120 database, or do I need to install Kodi 20 and hope that will work.

Any help is appreciated and apologies for the long post.
(2022-03-16, 11:09)icesurf3r Wrote: Is there a nightly version of Matrix that uses the MyVideos 120 database
No. Database versions are locked and will never update within a version.

MyVideos120 is for v20... but because v20 is still in development, database versions will change. So it is not really ideal to use nightly releases when running a shared sql setup, because a developer may need to modify the database configuration, thus the database version, to accomodate the new code.

If you look at the table here, you can see how many times the database version changes during development. Between v17 & v18 it changed nine times...
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Hi Karellan,

Thank you for your reply.

I have solved my issue for the time being using Kodi Neon.

I downloaded the latest version of Kodi Neon and run it in portable mode on my PC updating it with the skin I usually use without any issues.

As you've said this isn't an ideal situation, but as I only use my PC for adding/updating media and the MySQL database I'll take the win for now.

I don't intend on updating Neon any further, so hopefully any changes in the database version won't affect me for the time being.

Neon is looking really good, so big thanks to all who put their time and effort into this..

Look forward to the RC release of Neon in the future.

Thanks again.

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Kodi 19.4 with MyVideos120 dB?0