Automatically disable MediaCodec acceleration for some videos
I am running Kodi 18.9 on my FireTV Amazon Stick and I see video stuttering whenever the video codec is MPEG-4.
I saw in old forums there was a way to automatically disable HW acceleration for specific video types (if I disable the MediaCodec, the videos plays smoothly).
Now, I cannot find this option in the advancedsettings, was it removed or placed somewhere else?

I have many MPEG-4 videos and I would like to avoid manually disabling the accelerator every time
Thanks for your help
I run a shield and had an issue with some codecs, and then I found that decoderfilter.xml (same directory as the advancedsettings.xml) , and I modified to disable MediaCodec for the ones with the issue.

Sorry, I can not seem to locate information on this file in the wiki, but this maybe a file (make backup first) that could be tweaked for your case?
Thank you very much for this nice suggestion!
I never heard about this file, and haven't quite understood how it works (allowed means the SW decoder is used?), but maybe I can try by creating the file and seeing if Kodi creates it, or maybe create it and copying/pasting some other settings
But it's a very good starting point!!

I'll play with that
I created the file but when I was about to upload it to my Kodi, I found out there was already a file like this (which is strange, since it's the first time I see it). I also don't have it in my backups, maybe deactivating and reactivating the hardware acceleration triggered the creation of that file?
In any case, I understood that wirh 


you disable hardware acceleration, so I did that for MPEG2 and MPEG4. It perfectly works.

Thanks a lot, now the movies are more enjoyable.

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Automatically disable MediaCodec acceleration for some videos0