Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Given two audio tracks, how do I get Kodi to default to a preferred one?
Handbrake records two audio tracks when encoding, a 5.1 track and a stereo one using something called "mixdown". In the Kodi player, I've found that the dialogue is much clearer on the 5.1 track. For media that have this, how can I get Kodi to default to this? In audio options during playback I change the track and select "set as default for all media" but Kodi continues to use the stereo track on new media instead.
You can set an audio track in an MKV file to 'Default', and set the others not to Default. Handbrake should have some option(s) for that. (MKVtoolnix can do that too). And maybe also the internal sequence of audio tracks matters as well? First come, first served.
Is this true for m4v/mp4 files as well?

(Sorry if I'm saying something silly, I don't know what's the same container/format.)
I actually don't know the format of m4v (Apple?) video files or of mp4 formatted videos. I'm sure there will be tools out there for them.
So it looks like Handbrake can open and edit mp4 files. I'll have to work through my library over time and edit audio priority and possibly re-rip and encode my discs.
Just test one or two files first, just to see if the method works.
Wouldn't something like
ffmpeg -i infile.mp4 -map 0 -c:a copy -c:s copy -c:v copy -disposition:a:0 default outfile.mp4
assuming the first audio track is the one you want default (otherwise a:1 etc).

You could then write a batch script to iterate over all mp4 files in a folder.

scott s.

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Given two audio tracks, how do I get Kodi to default to a preferred one?0