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Solved Can a TV series be scraped, twice, as two discrete library entries?
Normally if a single TV series has content across multiple folders, Kodi see's that as one unified entry in the library database.  Cool, amazing, exactly what I and I imagine anyone else would want 99% of the time.  But is there a way to have both folders be treated as discrete entries?

The situation I have is the anime series Sailor Moon, which had a heavily edited English release through the late 90s and an uncensored release much more recently.  For nostalgic reasons I have both versions and I had them both in the same folder.  So each episode existed twice, one in SD DVD from the old DVD release and one in 1080p BluRay with the more recent uncensored release.

What I'd like to do is instead put these in separate folders and have them as two entries in the library.  Two district 'series' in my library, with the same name (I'd edit the series name to clarify which is which), pulling from the same metadata source, but 'separate' for the organizational reasons of my library.  Is there a way to do this?
Give this a try...
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(2022-04-02, 22:21)Karellen Wrote: Give this a try...

Okay, that's interesting but before I begin, er, is there a way to export that for only one particular series instead of the 1100 or so in my library?
(2022-04-02, 23:01)DJ_Izumi Wrote: is there a way to export that for only one particular series instead of the 1100 or so in my library?
Nope. @DaVu had started work on an enhanced library export addon, but I think it has stalled while Devcon is on.

Best to set up a Portable install, fiddle around to create the two sets of nfo files, then import into your main library.
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(2022-04-02, 23:17)Karellen Wrote: Nope. @DaVu had started work on an enhanced library export addon, but I think it has stalled while Devcon is on.

Best to set up a Portable install, fiddle around to create the two sets of nfo files, then import into your main library.
I figured it out, thanks a lot!

(2022-04-04, 15:44)DJ_Izumi Wrote: I figured it out, thanks a lot!
The method I provided or some other way?
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(2022-04-05, 00:43)Karellen Wrote: The method I provided or some other way?
I used your method from the thread.  For the NFO, after thinking for like 5 seconds, I realized an easy solution; Since my setups usually use MySQL, I just disabled that in advancedsettings.xml so it'd use the local library, which was emtpy, added the one show from one folder, did the export, and voila.  Then just restored the SQL usage.
Thread marked solved.

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Can a TV series be scraped, twice, as two discrete library entries?0