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Kodi playlist Season 1 episodes 1
Hi all,

Hope you are well.

I have been playing with Kodi playlists, what I would like to achieve is to do a smart playlist that will play episodes in order for series, for each tv show on my media server. So I want to have:
TVShow1 S1Ep1
TVShow2 S1Ep1
TvShow3 S1Ep1
TvShow1 S1Ep2
TVShow2 S1Ep2
TvShow3 S1Ep2
TvShow1 S2Ep1
TVShow2 S2Ep1

And so on, so I can watch all the series 1 episode 1 episodes of all my tv shows, episode 2 all via one playlist. The only way I have seen to accomplish this is to create different playlists for each S01E1, S01E2, S01E3 etc.

Is there a quick way to do this in one playlist, or is the way I am doing it the only way?

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Kodi Blog Posts
(2022-04-09, 19:33)Dresden666 Wrote: Is there a quick way to do this in one playlist, or is the way I am doing it the only way?

Ehm... I don't see a quick way for such a list. Also, most TVshows have a different total number of episodes, so the balance between the TVshows will vanish pretty quickly. I mean, some TV shows have only 8 episodes, others have 430+ episodes. Some people have 2000+ TVshows, so it'll take a while before you get to S01E02 of your first TVshow.

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Kodi playlist Season 1 episodes 10