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What's the best way to filter a selection of movies?
I'm trying to filter out a subset of my movie library that contains specific movies we want to watch with our son. He's getting older, and we're introducing him to our favorites like Terminator, Alien, Bourne, Matrix, etc. The movies don't all share a common trait that can be filtered. I just want to browse my library, manually mark some movies, and then be able to view that list on its own. I'm a long time user but have never tried to do something like this before.

Reading the results of my various searches, it seems like I could add the movies to a queue and then save that as a playlist. I'm not sure that is the best way because I want to be able to easily add new movies when they come up and remove them after we watch them. Nodes and smart playlists seem like they rely on common traits such as director, year, genre, etc. that will not apply to this list.

It seems like I should create another share on my NAS for his movies and then move everything there. Then I can create a custom home item to view just those movies. In the future when I add new movies, I'll evaluate whether it goes on the general movie drive or on the "watch with son" drive. Does this seem like the best way to accomplish what I want, or is there a better way?

I think the easiest way is to Tag the specific movies. Maybe add a tag like "Son" or his name...

Then create a Smart playlists (wiki) that will list all the movies with that tag. You can add that smart playlist as a menu item using a custom home item.

You can also install the Playlist.Append addon, which will give you context menu items to add remove tags easily. Download from here for v19...
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Tags and Smart Playlists is the quickest way to do this.

The way I started handling this years ago was to separate content into folders for "me", "wife", and "kids".  Then on the main TV I used profiles to only present content kid-friendly in Kodi (XBMC back then).  When the kids went to bed then I login to my profile and I have everything except the wife's stuff.

The wife could log into her profile and not have to see all the kid stuff or my stuff.  The master bedroom TV only has one profile but, only has the wife's folder added as a source. Same concept has been implemented on the family-room TV which is mainly used by the kids. It has no profiles (just the default one) but, has only the kid's folder added as a source.

The nice thing about this is I don't have to worry about a mis-tagged file.
Kodi 18.9 / LibreELEC 9.2 / Raspberry Pi

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What's the best way to filter a selection of movies?0