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v18 How to search and display all movie with a assigned user rate
I have assigned a user rate to all my movie collection.

I'd like to filter my movie collection so that only a list of a specified user rate are shown. Another option I'd like to have is to sort all of them based on the user rate and in alphabetical order for the same user rate.

I've played a lot with the global serch and with the built in menu list under movie section but I only see  Genres, Titles, Year, Actors, Directors, Studios, Countries and tag as a possibilities. Also In Global search options there is no user rate switch to be activated.

Is there a way to select and diplay only muvie with a specified user rate ?

A possible solution I found is to create a tag with same user rating, and then use the tag filter to display the list. But i don't think it is a "clean" solution
I'm sorry, I found user rate selection under movie -> options -> filter. So this is solved.

Still I do not now how to display movie list based on the user rate and in alphabetical order for the same user rate
(2022-06-04, 18:23)tiaderosa Wrote: I'd like to filter my movie collection so that only a list of a specified user rate are shown
You will need to create new Nodes.
I have done this in my own library and can provide you the files if you like. What platform are you using? Windows?

The node is accessed from the home screen

Then you select which rating to view...
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Thank you Karellen for the replay and sorry for late replay. 
I have both windows and Fire TV 4k kodi applications.
I'd like to know how can I create a new node and have it shown on kodi as you have showed.

(2022-06-17, 16:14)tiaderosa Wrote: I'd like to know how can I create a new node and have it shown on kodi as you have showed.
First install the Library Node Editor addon:
  1. Go to Settings>Addons>Install from Repository>Program Addons>Library Node Editor
  2. Install it
  3. Once installed, select it to open it
  4. Select Open
  5. Select Videos.
  6. Now exit out. All that we have done here is installed the addon and it has copied the necessary files across to your Userdata folder. We don't need to use it anymore.
  7. Download this zip...
  8. Open it and copy the userrating folder to \userdata\library\video\movies\ on your Windows system.

You will need to fix the <icon> link so it works on your system.
I currently have the default sort as lastplayed. You will need to change that if you want another sort method
<order direction="ascending">lastplayed</order>
These are the available sort methods...
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Thank you.
I got it and it is working.

I'd like to know how can I select movies based on tags or other filters compositions. 
I've set up all my tags. Now I'd like to show only movie that satisfied a combination of tags (or filters).
In other words  assuming that out of my movie collections I want to select  and display only movies that have "userrating 5", (AND) "year 2003", (AND) "Actress  Scarlett Johansson".
How can I do that ?
I have playied a bit with Options and "nodes" under Video -> Movies, but it seems that I cannot get it working right, or results ar not consistent.
My undersatnding is that I can create a libray node and set it up so it can filter what I'd like to, but It woud be nice if I can combine as much as I like  tags, My rating, Genres, Actors, etc in AND and/or OR modes so that I can really filter my movie collections the way I wont
(2022-06-19, 07:12)tiaderosa Wrote: In other words  assuming that out of my movie collections I want to select  and display only movies that have "userrating 5", (AND) "year 2003", (AND) "Actress  Scarlett Johansson".
How can I do that ?
You don't say if you want these as permanent lists or just temporary searches.

Easiest method is using the Filter option from within your "My Rating" list. Follow the images.




If you want permanent lists you it would be easiest to use Smart Playlists
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Thank you for your replay.

I guess I need to explain myself better, and I' sorry if some of my below statements can sound silly, but I'm quite new on Kodi and I'm still learning.

I have a quite big movie collection (more than 5000). From time to time I 'd like to select and display movie that satisfy a certain criterias. Rating can be one of the criterias, Performer, Genre, Quality of video (SD, HD, 4k, 3D)  can all be others combined as  OR/AND select criteria. In principal I can do it the way you are showing, but here is my problem:
I want to select out of my movie collection all the movie rated 8, with Scarlett Johansson and video quality HD. One thing that I find very time consuming, for example, is to filter for Actors. In my movie collection the actors list is very very long and every time I have to s scroll it down to select the actor I want. On A wiindows or linux  pc this is a limited issue but on a fireTV is a pain in the ass. Plus I do not how I can filter for a video quality as well.

So I thought that the use of tags could have been a proper solutions.  I created a small vba app that modifies the *.nfo file I use for scraping. The app reads the *.nfo file and it adds tags lines to *.nfo based on a limited numbers of parameters of my choice if they are already present somewhere in the *.nfo file. For example it will add a tag "video quality: HD" if this info is found somewhere in the *.nfo file,  "Actor: Scarlett Johansson" if a line  "<name>Scarlett Johansson</name>" is found in the *.nfo file and so on.

At the end I will have all my *.nfo files filled with tags which represent my  research key paramiters. These will be imported in the kodi database after scraping.

Unfortunately I have realised that tag filters (in the options menu of the movie list)  cannot be AND(ed) as the default is OR(ed). In other words  I have all my movie collection tagged with all the research keys I need but If I want to display all the movies rated 8 with Scarlett Johansson, quality HD I cannot do it  the way I'd like to (or I do not know how to do it).  In fact if I select your userrating library node= 8 and then in the option menu Tag  "Actor: Scarlett Johansson" and again in tag "video quality: HD" the selection I got is not what I wanted to as the list will be fille with all movies with userrating = 8 and with Scarlett Johansson and all movies with userrating = 8 and  "video quality: HD" at the same time.

Of course I have a solution (time consumung) which is to select userrating = 8 and select Scarlett Johansson from the original actor field in the option menu and only one tag just for the viedeo quality. I wonder if there is a possibility to have a search field within the option fields as this would solve all the time consuming selections of the proper parameter for long lists.

Is there a specifinc addon for this kind of seach (as the "global search" that can be used to search a title in all collections)  or a  possibilities to combine tags in AND instead of OR ?
Is there a possibility to add a specific homemade filter field in the option menu ?

I do not know how use Smart Playlists but I'll give a look to it.
(2022-06-20, 16:42)tiaderosa Wrote: Unfortunately I have realised that tag filters (in the options menu of the movie list)  cannot be AND(ed) as the default is OR(ed).
Hmm, yes that seems to be the case. The filter option uses an "OR" operator, so you get all titles from the selected Tags. This is a Kodi core function, so it would need to be recoded. You could make a feature request?

As for the actors, it can be difficult to navigate. Are you aware that if you use "shift-s" on your keyboard, you jump straight to "S". And if you use "shift-sc" you jump straight to "SC"arlett Johannsen. Though you have to be pretty quick with the SC press.

But if you use a Tag,, UserRating and Actor,, surely you must get quite a small and manageable list? Not perfect, but gets you most of the way there.

(2022-06-20, 16:42)tiaderosa Wrote: Is there a specifinc addon for this kind of seach (as the "global search" that can be used to search a title in all collections)  or a  possibilities to combine tags in AND instead of OR ?
For the AND / OR issue - not that I am aware of.
"search a title in all collections" what do you mean by this? Global Search should be able to search everywhere. Did you adjust the Global Search addon settings?
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Thank you.
Quote:Hmm, yes that seems to be the case. The filter option uses an "OR" operator, so you get all titles from the selected Tags. This is a Kodi core function, so it would need to be recoded. You could make a feature request?
I'll make a feature request.
Quote:As for the actors, it can be difficult to navigate. Are you aware that if you use "shift-s" on your keyboard, you jump straight to "S". And if you use "shift-sc" you jump straight to "SC"arlett Johannsen. Though you have to be pretty quick with the SC press.
Interesting. I didn't know. This will speed up the research on systems with real keybords, not sure if it can be helpful on a systems with remote control only (where you need to access a virtual keybord if possible).
Quote:"search a title in all collections" what do you mean by this? Global Search should be able to search everywhere. Did you adjust the Global Search addon settings?
I didn't know that as well. Now I can use global search for actor as well in the option menu.


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