Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How to hide informations while a vidéo is starting
Hi! Could you help me to hide informations that appears while i call a video with a IP command ?  Smile
Which "informations" are you referring to?
What is a IP command?

Also, please do not ask the same question in several forum threads. It is confusing and annoying.

One more newly created forum thread with the same subject and you will have a bigger problem. I already dumped the two other identical forum threads in the garbage bin.
Simply reply to the question(s) that you are being asked.
Really sorry I thought posts both were deleted.

I send the command with a packet sender so it means that i asked my kodi to play a vidéo while i send a request tu his IP adress. 

Informations are: hour of the Kodi, duration of the vidéo, and title of the video. I saw somebody desactivated "show video information" in home window in appearance on an older version but i can't find it now...
If you're using the default skin Estuary then this should cover it
And do you know where can I edit the DialogSeekBar.xml file ?
In the Kodi install folder the locaton of which will depend on the OS
Ok I see. I've also seen that by changing the skin of the kodi by a "confluence" one, there is a parameter that allowed to hide informations while playing video. But if I try to change the skin it says that it's impossible

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How to hide informations while a vidéo is starting0