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Kodi streaming for dummies
I have searched the net left and right on this, and the answer always seems to be: of course it can be done,  you need add-ons, be careful - add-ons can be dangerous, you should use a VPN - all followed by a sales pitch about a particular VPN provider. Nowhere have I been able to find a clear, to the point explanation on how to address the following scenario:

I have a Kodi server in a system K. This system has Internet access, and things can be easily configured so that K will accept connections from external clients at specific ports. I have a client C, somewhere in the Internet, that would like to stream video/audio material from K. C can be a phone, a laptop, a table, a PC, whatever.

I have the following questions:
  1. What software must C run in order to stream video/audio from K?
  2. How must K be configured to offer streaming video/audio?
Many suggest to use a cloud service - which is not an option for me for many reasons, the most important being that I don't want for C to have direct access to all the audio/video material in K. In the same vein, I don't want the whole of the Kodi server infrastructure in C, for C can be relatively resources-constrained.

In a nutshell, can Kodi do what Plex does, when it comes to streaming?
Just to make sure we are all in the same page, I want for C to be able to stream my own video material in K - I am not interested in third-party streaming services.
Actually, I withdraw my question: I have scoured this forum for similar ones and, based on the discussions elicited by such questions, it is clear that Kodi is not really designed to do what I want. Some of the workarounds proposed (FTP? Seriously?) are preposterous. 

So, the answer would be, when it comes to streaming Kodi can't do what Plex can.
If you are asking (and I'll be honest I'm not 100% sure what your use case is) if Kodi is a media server in the same vain as Plex then you are correct, it is not. Kodi does not directly have a server component but it can add your local media (local also includes on a network) to its library and database and play it back for you.

This can be achieved in many different ways. Adding network shares are a common way to do this if, as in your scenario, you have your media stored on a "server" device and Kodi on a client device. 

Individual Kodi instances manage your media directly, there is not a central database that different clients can access that are completely in sync in the way Plex does (unless you set up a MySQL / MariaDB database and share it between Kodi clients).

Anyhow, there is a lot of information here and on the wiki (wiki) to help you figure out if Kodi is for you and there are plenty of users who can help answer questions.

*edit - re-reading your initial post it sounds to me that you are wanting to serve your local media to clients over the internet (hence the comparison to Plex) and yes this can be done with Kodi with some configuration but it is not the primary use case for it and would require some set up. I'm sure there are others here that are certainly more qualified than I am to explain how to achieve this.
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(2022-07-05, 21:39)xyzlsd1729 Wrote: Actually, I withdraw my question: I have scoured this forum for similar ones and, based on the discussions elicited by such questions, it is clear that Kodi is not really designed to do what I want. Some of the workarounds proposed (FTP? Seriously?) are preposterous. 

So, the answer would be, when it comes to streaming Kodi can't do what Plex can.

Kodi has different sharing solutions for local LAN and Internet sharing.  The link on their Wiki highlights a few options, including Plex.  I am not sure if you have Plex and are looking to move away from it or just using it for comparison purposes.  I personally prefer the Mezzmo solution and do some Internet sharing but mainly for when I travel.  Understanding your use case more would be helpful in providing more guidance.

Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.

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