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Aliasing path in database

I'd like to know if there is a way of aliasing a given path into another path

For instance, I have my movies on \\\SHARE1\Movies, but I'd like to be able to connect the harddrive locally and use c:\Movies

(2022-09-15, 02:58)jalcaid001 Wrote: I have my movies on \\\SHARE1\Movies, but I'd like to be able to connect the harddrive locally and use c:\Movies

Kodi is not the operating system. If you want a different/alternate path for a network location, you'll need to tell Windows that. If you want the above, then simply make a separate drive letter. And why particularly "C:\Movies"? Kodi is fine using network paths anyway.
The above is just an example. I usually have my sources on a samba share. But eventually I need to connect them directly to my kodi device via USB.
I tried the letter option in the past. But this is not a workable solution with multiple operating systems.

I know Kodi is an OS, but since it's supposed to be muli-OS perhaps it could offer a solution to this.
I cannot believe I'm the only one who would find this useful.
I guess I'll have to mess up with the SQL database ;-(

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