v19 Recording Icon not showing
Hi @phunkyfish 
For a number of a weeks now I've noticed that the timer icon on my PVR screens do not change to the recording icon when a recording begins.
However, if I exit Kodi and restart, the recording icon is there. I wasn't sure what might be the cause, ie PVR addon, my Windows device or my enigma STB?
Not a big issue, but just means I have to restart Kodi to make sure something is actually recording.
Any tips would be appreciated.
Is this on estuary or on a another skin?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
On Estuary and my own mod of Estuary. I haven't actually checked any other skins. Will try to remember to change skin to something other than Estuary just prior to recording starting to see if the same thing occurs. Will be travelling for the next 7 days with limited internet connection, so will check it out the end of next week.
Tried 3-4 recordings over the past couple of days using the Amber skin and the same behaviour occurs. When I exit Kodi and restart, the recording icon is then displayed normally. Timers still record as planned, so it only appears to be the actual icon that isn't changing when a recording starts.
I'm not actually convinced this is even being caused by Kodi, particularly as everything acts normally after re-starting. 
Is there anything else I could possibly check or try that might resolve the issue?

Update: By Jove, I think I've sussed what's happening. I had 2 recordings set-up for 9pm tonight and at 9.55pm I saw a notification from Kodi while watching something else saying these programmes had just started recording. Initially, I thought the notification was 1hr late displaying it, but then I noticed the clock on my STB was reading 1hr behind. I guess this might be the issue, ie I just need to adjust the clock on the STB to the correct the time?
I actually thought the clock on the STB changed automatically when BST begins, but maybe not? Will check the settings when the current recordings finish. Not sure how Kodi recorded programmes at the correct times if the time on the STB is 1HR behind, but I'm not going to worry about that. 
Anyway, looks like I may have discovered the culprit....I will sleep easier tonight now!  Wink

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