Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Override control in AdvancedSettings.xml

my goal is to hide the clock (in the top right corner) on AndroidTV (default Estuary).

I have modified includes.xml and Custom_1109_TopBarOverlay.xml in Windows version, so the clock is non more displayed.
The trouble is came when I have tryed to copy the modified .xml to AndroidTV (I haven't found the location to replace it).

My idea is this:
Can I replace an instruction writing it in AdvancedSettings.xml.

Ex. in Includes I have deleted these lines:

<control type="label">
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="0" time="300" condition="Window.Next(screencalibration)">WindowClose</animation>

If I write in AS.xml something like:

<control type="label">
<animation effect="fade" start="0" end="0" time="0" condition="Window.Next(screencalibration)">WindowClose</animation>

Can I replace the original code in original place?
Or, is there an official way to override a control in AdvancedSettings?

No, that not what the advancedsetting.xml are for.

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Override control in AdvancedSettings.xml0