3 Questions about XBMC for PC
For your regex, I'm not 100% sure, but try this and see if it works for you..

if this is a correct example

S:/TV-Series/The Big Bang Theory/1-1-Pilot.avi

this should work


required slash
one or more numbers
one or more numbers
zero or more characters that cannot be slash
$ on the end means anchor the pattern to the rightmost edge of the full path to prevent matching elsewhere in the path.
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ok...i've placed the advancedsettings.xml in the "userdata"-folder in the xbmc-installation-directory..

Content of advancedsettings.xml:

(I'm using the MediaStream-Skin!)
Then i open XBMC and go to "Videos"...Then i click on "Add Source"...Then i click on "Search" and choose the TV-Show folder...After clinking "OK" in the upper part of the dialog there is "E:\Serien\". The Name at the bottom of the dialog is "Serien". Then i click OK.

Then i right click on the "Serien"-Source in the list and choose "Set Content". I choose "TV-Shows" and in the list "THETVdb.com". then i check "automatic scan" and in settings i choose my language. Now after cliking OK the dialog closes and in the top of the screen it says "Downloading TV-Show Information". This takes about 5-10 seconds...

then if i go to "Tv-Shows" in the homescreen, my tv-shows are shown (The Titles, and the Cover-Arts) but NO Episodes were found Sad

what did i do wrong?!

greetz and thx!!!

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3 Questions about XBMC for PC0