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Bug Some Local Posters Not Displayed If Scanning Via FTP
I just discovered an odd issue where some locally stored movie posters would not be displayed.

After scraping all 1400 movies in my library this week using TinyMediaManager to create the .nfo and save the movie poster, fanart and clearlogo in each movie's directory, I then proceeded to download a custom movie poster for a good number of titles since I didn't like any of the options available in TMM. Once completed, I had multiple Kodi devices scrape all movies using Local information only.

This is where things got interesting.

In theory, all devices should use the local .nfo information and display the associated poster, fanart and clearlogo within its directory. For two devices, most titles displayed the posters, fanart and clearlogo correctly, however Kodi did not display a good number of custom movie posters that I downloaded and told TMM to use. Yes, the posters are present and the filenames for the posters are correct in each affected movie folder's directory (movie_name-poster.jpg), so I can manually select and use the custom poster after browsing to the Item Folder. Interestingly, everything displayed correctly as expected on my third device, including all custom movie posters. There were zero issues.

After some investigation, it was discovered that scanning for titles via FTP is the culprit. The two devices that were having the issue (Firestick 4K, Windows 11 HTPC) were scanning my media connected to an FTP server (which I decided to use at some point for maximum speed since these two are WiFi only) whereas the third device (nVidia Shield Pro) that displayed every single custom movie poster correctly had scanned all local media via a SMB server. When I tested the WIFI Firestick 4K and the Windows 11 HTPC using the SMB server as the source instead, both finally displayed all movie posters correctly as expected (I even tested this on both the official Kodi 20 release as well as a Kodi 21 Alpha1 nightly and both had the same problems with FTP).

If someone would like to confirm these findings, you can reproduce the bug by:

1. Scanning in a few titles using TinyMediaManager (
2. Downloading a preferred poster from for each title.
3. Have TinyMediaManager use the downloaded posters
4. Scan media via FTP in Kodi (I'm using the FileZilla FTP Server (

Two titles that exhibited this issue for me were, for instance, the movies 9 (2009) and Fracture (2007), among many others.
My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet
honestly it doesnt surprise me at all that FTP that was invented in 1971 has issues
thats probably why NFS was invented in 1984 to replace it
and then SMB was invented in 1991 to replace NFS

for a 52 year old file transfer mechanism that was designed to transport very small text files over a phone system (probably something involving a rotary dial telephone) i think its had its best days already

more -
Yeah I get that. Many still use FTP for the speed. I'd like to switch to NFS but there are no good NFS server solutions for Windows 10. I tried Hanewin but found it to be no better than SMB, definitely nowhere near as fast as FTP.
My Theater: JVC X790R + Peerless PRG-UNV | 120" CineWhite UHD-B Screen | KODI Omega + PreShow Experience | mpv | madVR RTX 2070S | Panasonic UB420 | Denon X3600H @ 5.2.4 | 4 x ADX Maximus w/ Dayton Audio SA230 | 3 x Totem Tribe LCR + Mission M30 Surrounds + SVS PC2000 + Monolith 15 | 40" HDTV w/ MeLE N5105 + MoviePosterApp | 40TB Win10 SMB Server over Gigabit Ethernet
yea microsoft only offers nfs server for "windows server" installations -

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Some Local Posters Not Displayed If Scanning Via FTP0