Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
show only movies per user?
I am trying to figure out how to do something in KODI. 

My wife has asked for a view where it is 'her shows only'. 

Now I could go thru and tag them in the genre or tag section.  Then have her navigate thru to that menu to see items.  Which would be semi odd to use.  Or I could re-organize all of my files into different folders and she has a separate kodi instance.

Is there a way to make that a bit easier to do?  I know there is the concept of user profiles.  But the last time I tried that if i removed a movie from one profile it removed it from all profiles as it is probably tied to the library not profile.  Was I just using it wrong?  Or is there some sort of plugin/method that I am missing?
Kodi has (unfortunately) no real multi-user support in terms of database usage, so splitting up a single video library will not be easy.
Using profiles is one option, but that will result into separately scraping, updating and keeping track (watched/resume statuses) of videos individually.

Optionally, you separate "his" and "hers" videos into separate root folders. The disadvantage of that is, that there can be no videos that can be viewed by both users.
Alternatively, with profiles you could also use the same video files collection, but have separate watched/resume statuses.

The real question perhaps is, how exactly do you define 'his & her' videos?

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show only movies per user?0