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Setting to buffer whole media file to local device storage

im looking for a method or script that will allow me to download / buffer the whole media file to the internal disk on my device instead of just buffering bits of it?

Right now when im watching a movie i can see that KODi is buffering parts of the file, and keeping activity on the disk, preventing NAS sleep state.

im currently connecting to my nas via FTP. - Any ideas?
That's not how Kodi works.  If you don't want the device access files on the NAS, you'll have to move the file off the NAS and then play it in Kodi.  Doing that will mean you can't use any of the library functions.  What are you concerned about that you think you need the NAS to go to sleep while you're watching something on Kodi?
Nope, i know thats not how it works.
Im just concerned about the power prices (europe)

If it cant be scripted to do it like that, then thats just how it is.
The power usage of a NAS should be low but if you're that worried you might be better off with a USB attached HDD.
A NAS is by design is meant to be on all the time. You don't disclose what device you are using as a NAS but these can vary in power consumption. If you are using a full blown state of the art X86 PC as a NAS yes it may use a lot of power.

Wanting to save power is a legitimate concern but options would be:

1) Turn on your NAS, copy the movie file via a manual process to the internal storage of the device ( or Use attached storage devices with the device you run your Kodi client on as Hitcher suggests) you run your Kodi client on. (You add a local video source and use the Kodi file manager to do this and then play the movie in file mode). Turn off your NAS. - not very user friendly. 

2) Use a low powered device as a NAS such as a Raspberry Pi. - No messing around copying files and low power usage.

4) Write (or find someone to write) a script or addon to perform the action your a wanting. - You may struggle to find someone with the time and inclination to do so as it is such a niche problem but good luck Smile
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Setting to buffer whole media file to local device storage0