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v21 Sync 2 External HDD
Hello All, 

I have several HDD contains my data. How can i sync both of them and keep it's data synced without rebuildy the libarary every time ? 

Thanks in advacne
Several = how many HDDs? Can you connect them all at the same time?

Also if all your videos are simply "thrown" onto the HDDs like a JBOD but without a clear folder management, then syncing will be more difficult.
What exactly do you mean by "syncing"? Because scraping and syncing are technically two different actions.
(2023-05-02, 13:13)Klojum Wrote: Several = how many HDDs? Can you connect them all at the same time?

Also if all your videos are simply "thrown" onto the HDDs like a JBOD but without a clear folder management, then syncing will be more difficult.
What exactly do you mean by "syncing"? Because scraping and syncing are technically two different actions.

3 HDDs 

No i can't connect them all at the same time. 

Every HDD have it's folders like Movies, TV Shows , 4K HDR etc.... 

Scrapping sorry not syncing.

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Sync 2 External HDD0