Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Is there any way to disable deinterlacing on a device?
So, I have a few Kodi clients around the house, all hooked up on normal progressive scan HDTVs.  All the machines communicate with a MariaDB docker to enable a centralized database.  But being the freak that I am, I also have a Ryzen 6600H mini PC plugged into a 24" Trinitron CRT from 2002.  On this device, the occasional artifact from real time deinterlacing being not quite 100% appears.  Since the machine is spitting out 720x480 natively anyway, going through a converter and into a tube TV, there's no need for deinterlacing anyway.

However while I can disable deinterlacing on a given file I'm playing, this has the effect of that change being stored in the SQL Database, now every other device will also attempt to play back that file with deinterlacing set to 'None'.  This is def not good on a progressive device.

Is there any way to set the deinterlacing function on a device level rather than a database entry level?
what if you select "Set as default for all media" the first time you do it on that device then remove the flag from the database for the file?

it should set a default for the device and remove it for the file and other devices

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Is there any way to disable deinterlacing on a device?0