Audio works with passthrough only
Tried 2 different mini computers with clean install on OpenELEC and KODI. Connect to a Pioneer SC-1228 Receiver. Kodi see's that it is connect to the receiver on HDMI-0. I have no Kodi sounds or audio from anything played. However, I do get audio when using pass-through. But when playing a stream or anything that does not use the pass-through I get nothing.

As mentioned I have tried 2 different hardware devices with the same result.
Roughly 8 years ago there was a bug within certain Pioneer receivers. When I remember correctly this device cannot output 44.1 khz from. Therefore you can workaround this by using Settings: Fixed and set the sample rate to 48 khz. That should work as well. If it does not -> Debug Log.

Btw. OpenELEC is not a thing anymore since many years ... but if you have it still running there was an advanced setting patched in to force kodi not to use 44.1 khz for those devices.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
LOL sorry, I'm old and keep calling it OpenELEC, took me a bit to stop calling KODI, XBMC. I am indeed referring to LibreELEC. I'll try that and see. Thanks for the help and I will update the thread with the results.
That indeed was the fix! That you very much for the help Smile
(2023-07-30, 08:43)Tuxxy Wrote: That indeed was the fix! That you very much for the help Smile

Be aware, now that this is proven again ;-) with the Fixed setting your PT will sadly be gone, which was the reason for this OpenELEC special patch:

You might have luck if there was a firmware update available for your AVR.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Audio works with passthrough only0